Enthusiasmos: The Astrology of Philip K. Dick

Welcome to the first part in what I hope to be a series exploring the astrological influences behind significant events in the lives of famous people. Today, we begin with the visionary sci-if author and mystic, Philip K. Dick, born Dec. 16th, 1928 at 12:15pm in Chicago, Illinois. 

Part I

On February, 20th, 1974, a messenger arrived at Dick’s home with a delivery of opioid medication to treat an impacted wisdom tooth. She wore a golden necklace with the symbol of Pisces. She said, “This is a sign used by the early Christians.” A pink beam of light danced off the necklace and he became enchanted, believing it to impart some mystical communication, as if it were a download from God. In that instant, Dick believed he had fallen through time and that he was actually an early Gnostic Christian named Thomas who was persecuted by the Roman Empire.

This incident began a month long series of invasions from the divine. He had an another vision of a pink beam of light which told him that his son was severely ill and would die if he did not seek medical treatment(this turned out to be true). Dick experienced other hallucinations in which Ancient Rome became superimposed on California. Visions of Jesus were also glimpsed and he believed that the prophet Elijah had come to inhabit his body. A friend later told him that it was “Enthusiasmos” or “entry of the Gods into you.” He called it “Valis.” 

On February, 20th, 1974, Neptune, the planet of illusions, dreams, intoxication, and the blurring of boundaries was squaring his natal Neptune and transiting through his 9th house, known as the house of God. The 9th house rules things like long distance travel, education, but also spirituality and mysticism as well. The 9th house is where his natal Sun is located and where it receives its planetary joy. Here, there is the suggestion of divine illusions, mesmerizing hallucinations, and grand visions. Note that the girl in question was delivering opioid medications as well, which is reflected in Neptune’s rulership over states of ecstasy and intoxication.

The Sun and a retrograde Mercury, in a sign based square to Neptune, were transiting through the sign of Pisces in Dick’s 12th house of enemies, confinement, sorrows, and transcendence. As mentioned previously, the girl who arrived at Dick’s doorstep was wearing a Pisces pendant which glittered in the light of the Sun. Mercury, the planet of communications and messenger of the Sun, is also represented by the girl, who was literally a messenger of God. Dick became highly paranoid and believed he was being persecuted by early Romans, which would align with the 12 house topics of enemies and sorrows. 

Though this is more difficult to say with certainty, it bears noting that in November of 1973, months before the incident, there was an eclipse in his 9th house of spirituality. Eclipses generally signify great beginnings or great endings. At the moment of the eclipse, their meaning is sometimes obscured, only to be revealed at a later date. Great beginnings in the 9th house of God would seem to align well.

Finally, in 1974, at the age of 45, Dick entered into a 10th house profection year in which 10th house topics related to career, reputation, and the public life would be of increased importance. Following his encounters with the numinous, Dick wrote a series of novels as well as a long exegesis, wrestling with the meaning of these incidents. Saturn, as ruler of the year, and planet of obstacles and challenges was transiting through Dick’s 3rd house of communications opposite his natal Saturn in the 9th house of God. 

Both houses rule matters related to publishing. 

Saturn often presents us with trials and tribulations in which we may gain wisdom through hardship. Dick’s mystical encounters were a source of great sorrow and he struggled mightily to come to terms with their significance. 

Part II

Dick was born 6 weeks premature along with a twin sister named Jane. 6 weeks after their birth, his twin sister died. The effect of Jane’s death would go on to have a profound impact on his life. The theme of a “phantom twin” would feature prominently in his novels.

At the time of Jane’s death, Mars, the planet of severings, violence, and separations, was retrograde in Dick’s 3rd house of siblings, in the sign of Gemini. The symbol of Gemini is “the Twins”. According to sect, due to Dick having a day chart, Mars would be the planet most inclined to bring forth the most challenges over the course of his life. The planet of severings transiting through the sign of the Twins in the 3rd house of siblings would appear to describe the unexpected death of a twin sibling. 

At the time of birth, Dick entered into a 1st house profection year in which topics related to the self, the body, the character and the life spirit would be of increased importance. Additionally, the ruler of his 1st house, in this case Mars, located in the 4th house of the family and the home, would also be of increased importance. Uranus, the planet of disruption and sudden changes, located in his 1st house, was also squaring Mars at this time. Thus the planet of severings and separations located in the 4th house of the family, squaring the planet of disruption and sudden changes, would also seem to align well.