The House of Bad Spirit

On, June 27th, Joe Biden and Donald Trump held their first debate of the 2024 election cycle. Public reaction to Joe Biden’s performance appears to be uniformly negative, with most voters, pundits, and even members of his own party, highlighting Biden’s apparently diminishing cognitive abilities. In addition, over the past few months, increasing attention has been paid to the crimes of the president’s son, Hunter Biden, who was recently charged with felony arms possession.

The astrology of this moment, when applied with certain timing techniques to Joe Biden’s natal chart, appears to align perfectly with the mundane events happening on our earthly sphere. What follows is an attempt to unravel some of the astrological themes of this moment and how they will affect Biden’s presidency.

Using the timing technique of Annual Profections, we can see which areas of the life will be of increased importance over the course of a year. The ruler of the profection house in question, and the house it is placed in, become activated and are also of increased importance. Any transits by the profection year ruler will also be notable.

Joe Biden is currently in the middle of a 10th house profection year, a year in which topics related to public reputation, honors, and career are of increased importance. Following Biden’s disastrous debate performance, and after months of embarrassing videos highlighting Biden’s apparent senility, there is now a public discussion about whether or not he is fit to run for re-election. Biden’s bid for the presidency, as well as the tarnishing of his public image, would appear to align with the astrological themes predicted by this technique.

Using this technique, we would also look to the ruler of his 10th house and identify where it is located as this area of life will also be of increased importance. The ruler of Biden’s Virgo 10th house is Mercury and it is located in his natal 12th house of enemies, self-undoing, loss, and isolation. It is called the House of Bad Spirit and it is a place where one must wrestle with enemies, both internal and external. In this case, during a contentious election year, Trump would appear to play the role of the external enemy. But, here, in the 12th house, the enemies are often hidden. After months of gaslighting the public that Biden was mentally fit for office and would be a formidable debate opponent, members of the media and Biden’s own party quickly reversed course and are now publicly questioning whether he should remain in the race.

Mercury, the ruler of Biden’s 10th house, represents not only our ability to communicate and our capacity to think and reason, but also irregularities of fortune and distractions of the mind. Over the course of his presidency, and during the debate, there have been dozens of humiliating videos of Biden wandering off, staring blankly, slurring his speech, and appearing unable to form a coherent sentence. At this time also, Mars is transiting Biden’s 6th house of work and physical health, in opposition to Biden’s natal Mars and Mercury in the 12th, suggesting attacks on both his physical and mental health. 

Interestingly, at this time, transiting Saturn, the planet of boundaries, time, and authority, approached a 10 degree conjunction with Neptune, the planet of delusions and idealism, with the Moon stuck between them, in opposition to his Midheaven. This adds further evidence to the astrological themes of this moment, as Saturn (old age) conjoined the Moon (the body/emotions) and Neptune (self-deception) in opposition to the Midheaven (public reputation). It should be noted that this Saturn/Neptune conjunction may also be seen in the way authority figures in the media (Saturn) attempted to delude the public (Neptune), asking them to not believe their own eyes and trust the reports that Biden was still “sharp as a tack”.

Finally, as noted previously, Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was recently charged with  three federal felonies for illegally acquiring a firearm. This is in addition to his long history of drug addiction and questions about his business dealings overseas. In Biden’s chart, his 5th house of children is in the sign of Aries, who’s ruler is Mars. To understand where the topic of children will flow to in the life of the individual, we look to the place of its ruler, in this case, Mars in the 12 house in the sign of Scorpio. As the 12th house can often literally represent prisons, the threat of jail time for Hunter Biden, during a profection year when Biden’s 12th house becomes activated, would appear to affirm the astrological symbolism.

At this time, it would appear the Biden is unlikely to finish the presidential race. Over the course of this year, and next, we have a series of eclipses bouncing back and forth between Pisces and Virgo. For Biden, these eclipses will bounce between his 4th house of home and family (the White House) and the 10th house of career and public reputation. Eclipses often indicate a major shift, where one door is closed and another is opened. In this case, we would expect to see a major shift in Biden’s career/reputation and his home and living situation. Based upon Biden’s recent performance and the choppy astrological waters ahead, it would appear that he is unlikely to win the election. Only time will tell.